I appreciate people might act out of character in times of trouble or distress and that people contacting my office may be frustrated and at the end of their tether. However, aggressive or abusive behaviour, or actions that result in unacceptable or excessive demands on my staff, will not be tolerated:

Aggressive, abusive, violent or bullying behaviour

Either in-person, on the phone, or in correspondence, any language that may cause staff to feel upset or threatened.  This of course includes offensive, derogatory, patronising or discriminatory comments aimed at my staff and I or third parties.

Unreasonable demands and levels of contact

Which if complied with, would substantially impact the work my team can carry out on my behalf. This includes repeated and unnecessary contact and refusing to accept a decision where explanations have been provided.


Including recording calls and/or publishing information online or elsewhere, contacting my team using personal details.

Refusal to co-operate

When an individual has made contact regarding an issue and does not provide the required information when requested.

Actions I may take

-Warning an individual about their behaviour and modifying it in any further contact

-Communicating only in writing

-Deciding not to investigate a complaint as it has been pursued in an unacceptable way

-Restricting or ceasing contact and informing the individual of this

-Inform appropriate authorities of unacceptable behaviour

I take my responsibilities as a constituency MP very seriously and aim to do all in my power to assist constituents who seek my support. The above standards allow my team and I to discharge our duties effectively. My staff and I are here to help you and will treat you with respect and courtesy, and we ask that you do the same.

Thank you


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