I spoke in the House of Commons debate on Leasehold Reform. Thousands of Chester residents are currently affected by the national leasehold scandal. So it is vitally important to keep it on the national agenda.

Locally in Cheshire West and Chester, we are fortunate that Katie Kendrick (Founder of the National Leasehold Campaign) has been elected in Netherpool. She has a vast knowledge of the issues faced by leaseholders. I commend her continuous work to keep a spotlight on this injustice.
While the Tories continue their chaotic descent, Labour continues to focus on the issues affecting the country. We have capable and compassionate Shadow Ministers such as Lisa Nandy, who led the Opposition Day Debate demonstrating Labour’s commitment on this issue.

You can watch my contribution to the debate on Parliament TV here

Or you can read the debate in Hansard here

Sam with Louise Haigh MP
Sam with Louise Haigh MP

Issues with Avanti West Coast continue to have a detrimental impact on Chester residents, with the latest development being a temporary cancellation of the 06:24 service for the next few months. This now means residents have to get a train pre-6am to change in Crewe if they need to get to London before 9am. I continue to raise the issues with Avanti on a regular basis, including at a drop-in session they held in Parliament earlier this month.
Our historic railway station is strategically located to drive the economic growth of our city, but this is being constrained by poor rail services. Although I welcome the  recent news about future development of the site, I do believe this needs to go further.

I have had productive meetings with Growth Track 360 on how we can further utilise and develop our rail links.

Last month, I asked the Secretary of State for Wales if the Government plans to level up the Chester and North Wales economy by electrifying this vital transport corridor.

You can watch the question on Parliament TV here or you can read the question in Hansard here

Attendees for 100th anniversary
Attendees for 100th anniversary

The rich history of the River Dee continued last weekend with the 290th Chester Regatta. I was pleased to join Lord Mayor, Cllr Sheila Little for another successful Chester Regatta.

Work continues on my election pledge to stop sewage dumping in the River Dee. Solutions continue to be investigated into how we tackle this problem, both from the top down and from the grassroots up.

I will be convening local and regional stakeholders for my second River Dee Assembly next month. This will be another fantastic opportunity to hear updates from water sector representatives, local environmental experts, and possibly shadow policy makers.

Sam on the Storyhouse stage
Sam on the Storyhouse stage

had the privilege of being the keynote speaker for Women’s School Day at Storyhouse, last week. It was an honour to help inspire our local young people to have the confidence to dream big.

Early June marked the celebration of volunteers week where we celebrate the contribution made to society by those who volunteer. Storyhouse offers several inclusive voluntary roles which help local residents build confidence and their CV for future employment. We are also fortunate to have Cheshire West Voluntary Action, who do an amazing job helping voluntary organisations across the borough.

Sam reading the Finance Bill
Sam reading the Finance Bill

Another milestone was reached as your MP last month, when I survived my first Bill Committee. Despite the mundane name, the Finance Bill is a crucial piece of legislation impacting the everyday lives of constituents. If the title doesn’t put you off, you can find out more about the Bill on the House of Commons Library website here.

On the subject of the economy, I asked the Minister of State for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business what support the Government is providing for small businesses, including the vibrant array of small businesses here in Chester. You can read the debate in Hansard here or watch the debate on Parliament TV here.

Sam dealing with casework
Sam dealing with casework
I’d like to conclude this newsletter by providing an insight into the work I do behind the scenes as your MP. This month saw the creation of my 2,100th case since my election in December. I’m proud of the work I’ve undertaken with the help of my staff to help residents across Chester. So far I’ve recovered over £114,000 for residents, through compensation payments, refunds and money paid to constituents following erroneous decisions by Government bodies such as the DWP. I host regular constituent surgeries over the phone, via Microsoft Teams or in-person, however the fastest way to resolve your casework is to send an email to samantha.dixon.mp@parliament.uk
I would also like to bring to your attention the launch of the Labour Party’s summer internship scheme, in partnership with the Patchwork Foundation, You can find out more about the internship and the application process here.
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